Saturday, February 23, 2013

MJFF 2013! My Film is Being Shown.

Hey everyone!

It has been a very long time since I've talked to all of you lovely folks - I hope that your new years went swimmingly and that your time with February has been pleasant (albeit rainy and snowy and rather confusing, weather-wise).

I have news!!!

My film ('The Jewish Community') is going to be showing in this year's Maine Jewish Film Festival!

Here's the schedule: Day to Day Schedule. I have heard word that my film will be playing between a double-feature of two short features (see 'Ruth Dayan - My Life' and 'Through the Eye of the Needle'). The double-feature will begin at 1pm on Thursday, March 14th.

I know that this time is not convenient for everyone - I am planning to do another screening later on for all of the wonderful people who participated in my film and supported me throughout the process. I'll be passing along specifics sometime after the MJFF has wrapped up.

I hope that everyone is doing well! I also hope to see all of your faces very soon.