Friday, November 9, 2012

Two Rabbis Down!

I am going to be honest here, and just say that Rabbis, and spiritual leaders of all kinds, intimidate me in a way that few other things can.

Now, I don't want to delve into the deep-seated psychological reasoning behind this, but instead just say that it's been totally awesome to be interviewing local Rabbis as of late, despite that they nearly frighten me.

In school I studied Jewish Studies, so I am familiar with the differences in denomination, but what I learned was just set up in a fact-in-a-book-kind-of-way. So aside from these interviews with spiritual leaders being super applicable for the film I'm making, it's also been interesting to just be in a situation where individuality can be lent to the facts I learned previously.

So - two Rabbis down, one to go! And by that, I mean that I have interviewed local Rabbis representing two of the three majorly identified Jewish denominations from the Portland area, and hope very much to secure an interview with the third (if not even more Rabbis! You can never have too many Rabbis, right?).

Other news! I've recently switched to a new camera-person - my friend Patrick is taking over the filming for Zach, who is working on other really neat projects (like puppet shows!). Patrick has also kindly offered to help with the editing process, for which I am very grateful. It's so helpful to have another person's input and viewpoints while creating a narrative from clips of film. The editing process begins mid-November! And so I will continue to scramble to complete the interviews before the end of next week (hopefully).

I hope that everyone survived the bit of snow we had yesterday, and that November has started out well.

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