Monday, October 1, 2012

Film Details/Check Out These Talented Folks Who Will be Working With Me!

Hello, everyone! Happy New Year, if applicable, and I hope that everyone has had a swell beginning to the Autumn season thus far.

I wanted to write a quick post about the details for my entry in the Maine Jewish Film Festival.

As it stands, these are them:
1. My film will be no more than ten minutes.
2. I will be interviewing different individuals around the Portland area about what it means - in their experiences and from their particular backgrounds - to be Jewish in Maine (as a side-note, if you or anyone you know would be interested in participating in the interview process, please, please, pretty please contact me by sending an email to

Currently, I'm in the process of scheduling interviews with as many folks as possible, and formulating the interview questions regarding identity. It's a bit of an overwhelming process because I am absolutely terrified that this film is going to be sub-par.

Seriously. This is a big deal! I would have to say that, at this point, I am equally absolutely terrified and very, very excited. I have worked on other people's films, but I've never been entirely in charge of one. Luckily, I have some really awesome people who will be helping me out.

Zachary Rohman has agreed to do the filming, which is great, because he is swell in many ways. In addition to his film-making endeavors, he's currently working on a play called "The Hare and the Hedgehog" (based on a story from the Grimm brothers' "Tales for Young and Old") that will be performed in November at the Mayo Street Puppet Slam. He is the lead puppeteer in a puppet production of the German opera "Hänsel und Gretel" which is being put together by Paperbull Puppets, and VOX Maine. More information about  these performances can be found at the following pages:
The Hare and the Hedgehog
Paperbull Puppets
VOX Maine

I will be using some original music in the film, composed by a talented local musician, Will Gattis (check him out right HERE because he's definitely worth a listen). At 9pm on November 1st, Will is releasing an EP at Empire Dine and Dance in Portland. This lovely guy may also make an appearance or two in the film, along with a possible guest appearance by my guinea pig, Tyra Banks.

(Everyone should definitely check out these talented folks, just saying.)

Alright, that's it for now, I'm leaving my computer to finalize some interview questions and to contact more folks. More updates will follow as I move through the interview process!

But before I go, a cute cat can be found here: Fluffiest Cat.

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